This past week has really begun the process of showing me that everything will eventually be ending and it will soon be time to move on to the next adventure. I find this to be a great deal of many emotions. Some I understand fully and others that I don’t.
The camera did not come along with me on many adventures this week (creating many instances where I wish I had it on me…) But I got a great chance to see what I capture with my Iphone. Images are images after all and the camera is just a tool in the toolbox of expression. See if you can find the differences some are obvious and others…
Thanks as always for taking a look at this weeks little gallery. Stay safe and tell somebody that you love them today.
Dan Regalado
Thank you for taking the time to look at this Top 10. I love to walk and create these for a multitude of reasons, but knowing that people have taken the time of their day to look into these images just for a short time makes it all the merrier.
Oh yeah and for those that are counting that’s only 9 photos. The tenth is more of a small collection.
These fellas were jamming out long into the night for nobody other then themselves. It was great to hear some live music again.
Dan Regalado
Good Morning!
This week was the beginning of many finalizing many new plans as I start my move to Colorado. When I took a minute yesterday to just sit and think of it all, I realized that there is a limited amount of time I have left in Denton with my people. There is limited time to walk these streets and document all Denton has to offer. There is just limited time in everything that I do.
With that in mind I tried to slow down and look at some details as well as some overarching larger things that I may occasionally over look. Explore new places, and visit old favorites. There is a lot to come in this next month, but It’s my hope to enjoy everything as much as possible.
Dan Regalado